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This weekend is an invitation to trace back to your origins, both through the lens of evolution and the philosophy of non-dual tantra. Ultimately this is yoga’s goal: to merge ourselves again with the state of oneness.​​


​The non-dual view of tantra tells us that everything originates from a unified field that chooses to express itself in myriad of forms, whether it be a leaf, a bird, a sound, a thought, or a human being.


Tantra is an embodied philosophy that is to be experienced rather than to be understood with our rational mind. It sees our body as a doorway to deeper experiences, rather than something that needs to be mastered or disciplined.


It is exactly the somatic approach to yoga that offers a unique way into your body. A practice becomes an expression of what is deeply felt inside, while connecting you to the innate intelligence of your body.


We will look at three evolutionary patterns while putting into perspective our relationship to the greater whole, seamlessly weaving together the somatic and tantric approaches. You will deep dive into your own practice in order to learn how to facilitate from this truly embodied place.


This weekend will be facilitated by Lies Mahy (BE) with guest facilitator Alexandra Macdonald (AU/CH). Lies’ and Alexandra’s paths crossed a long time ago in Belgium when they were professional dancers. But they truly met a few years ago on the Greek island of Paros whilst attending a retreat with their teacher Tara Judelle. As sensitive and creative beings, they share a love for poetry, somatics and tantra and will provide you with a safe space to investigate unexplored territories in your body and mind.



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  • You seek to deepen your own practice and explore the wisdom of your body.


  • You want to facilitate in a truly embodied way and break free from habitual class planning patterns.


  • You aim to guide your students into true alignment, where asana emerges from within rather than imposed shapes.


  • You want to integrate embodied touch and guidance in a non-intrusive, permissive way.


  • You wish to offer your students more freedom.


  • You are interested in a perspective that views the body as a doorway to deeper experiences rather than something to discipline.


  • You wish to make your classes feel like an engaging story that takes students on an inward journey that stays with them long after they leave the mat.


  • You are curious about weaving a somatic approach and tantric philosophy into your classes.


  • You are a dancer, artist, bodyworker, or therapist eager to delve deeper into your practice and communicate your work effectively in a group setting.



This training is for you if

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  • 3 carefully curated practices, exploring the evolutionary pathways of

    • cells / formlessness to form

    • spine / self reflection

    • skin / dissolving the constructs of the perceived self


  • meditation


  • mantra as a doorway to flow state


  • philosophy

    • intro to tantra historically

    • dual vs. non-dual thought

    • unpacking of the shiva sutras (sutra 1.1)


  • teaching tools

    • what – why – how

    • planning a class with chapters

    • break down of the class material

    • somatic cueing

    • somatic assists


  • enough time to deep dive into your own practice and really embody the material








Life on earth began 3,5 billion years ago with a single cell in water. Through billions of years of evolution - from multicellular organisms to fish, amphibians, reptiles, dinosaurs and mammals - the human body emerged, consisting of approximately 37,2 cells. This journey is a beautiful reflection of the tantrikas’ view of our universe’s origin: an infinite formless field manifesting into myriad forms.


Through the microcosm of our cells, we will reflect on and embody the macrocosm we are part of.








In an endless play of forms, consciousness can become a leaf, a bird, a flower, a dog - it also carves its way forward as a human being. Evolution traces our spine back to fish, showing how we grew limbs driven by the urge to move forward with our feet, to grasp with our hands, and engage all of our senses. Consciousness desires self-reflection, a capacity that as human beings we are all endowed.


Through our embodiment we will experience the wonder of the unique opportunity we have been gifted.








​The skin is our largest organ, giving us the capacity to touch and be touched (the first sense to develop in utero). As babies, we do not feel separate from the world around us, until our sense of touch starts to let us know that there is an outside and an inside. Over time, we mistakenly believe we are separate.


But through the permeable membrane of our skin we can actually feel the connection to the greater whole that we are part of, the macrocosm of existence.



The practices




Already as a young child something drew Lies to philosophic wonderings. A romantic soul, no wonder she got drawn to ballet, where her love for movement as a form of expression began. As a professional dancer – and a sensitive being – she had a hard time with the harsh competitive dance world. Through yoga she found a place where she was more at peace with herself.


Throughout a decade of facilitating yoga – and another decade before that as a professional dancer and movement teacher – Lies has developed a unique teaching style in which she weaves poetic language with elements like somatics and free movement. She loves to work within the structured frame of asana and encourage you to venture outside of the comfort of the known, while offering a safe space with lots of freedom to work within the ranges of your possibilities.


She believes in an embodied approach, rooted in the non-dual philosophy of tantra, where the body and all earthly experiences are a doorway to the essence of our being.


For Lies, yoga is an amazing way to, through movement and philosophy, invite slowfulness and wonderment, and learn more about ourselves and the world. For her yoga unites the very defined matter of our bodies with the quest for answers to life's fundamental questions that we all share.


Lies is the first Certified Embodied Flow™ teacher in Belgium.​


Lies Mahy




With nearly thirty years of immersion in the realm of embodiment, Alexandra’s journey as a professional dancer, yogini, and somatics facilitator has been one of rigour, artistry, and dedication.


Her approach is deeply informed by the philosophical elements of non-dual Tantra, Taoism, and Traditional Chinese Medicine. Her practice weaves together the sensuousness of dance with the art of Shadow Yoga, the craft of Body-Mind Centering, and the explorations of Embodied Flow.


Drawing inspiration from poetry and evocative language, Alexandra explores movement, breath, and the imaginal as portals to awakening. Her teachings are born from her own experiences and discoveries, as well as her yearnings and questions about being a sensitive, inquisitive human being.


Her offerings invite the mind to surrender its usual grasping, giving way to a state of quietude, flow and embodied insight helping you feel more at ease and at home within yourself. Her teachings guide you into unexplored territories of your inner landscape, providing support, nourishment, and safety to awaken to a deeper, more integrated sense of being.


Alexandra is an Embodied Flow™ Inspired teacher.



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Alexandra Macdonald


The venue

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Vesta is a beautifully renovated farmhouse in the middle of the fields, just outside Diest, far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.


Yoga sessions, workshops, lectures, body treatments, and coaching are offered. It is a place dedicated to feeling good in your body, finding inner peace, living more consciously, choosing yourself fully, and standing stronger in life. This can be truly felt in the tranquility of this atmospheric and homely farmhouse!



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Hybrid formula



This weekend will offer you a unique and transformative approach to your practice which will radically shift your experience on and off the mat.


This is why there is additional support in the form of online follow up sessions and a whatsapp group. It’s essential to have the opportunity to ask questions, share experiences and simply be held in the container of the group as the teachings begin to integrate and shift in both your teaching and your life.


The full training consists of

  • preparatory video, audio & reading material

  • the in person weekend

  • two online follow up sessions

  • a supportive whatsapp group (optional)









COST: 430,00€ / 2x 215,00€ incl.

  • manual

  • water & herbal teas all day

  • nourishing snacks during morning & afternoon breaks


>> If you wish to spread the tuition over two installments of 215,00€, please mail at and you'll

     receive personalized payment link.




  • Training will be in an intimate group setting of max. 12 participants.

  • Training will be in Dutch & English.

  • This 25h module can be used as Continuing Education hours for YA registration.






in person @ Vesta, Diest

May 23 15.00 - 19.00h

May 24 9.30 - 18.00h

May 25 9.30 - 18.00h



online follow up sessions

June 8 10.00 - 11.30h

June 22 10.00 - 11.30h



A somatic yoga practice produces wonder

so we become explorers in our own bodies.


We enter into a conversation with ourselves and with the world.

We learn about ourselves and our environment.


It is a deeply transformative and engaged practice.


-- Suniti Dernovesk






" Lies is a very inspiring teacher.

The playfulness, gentleness and depth of her classes

always resonate for a long time.


The workshop allowed me to grow in a new way

in creating my own classes.


Highly recommended for every teacher who likes to be inspired

and wants to further evolve their teaching."


-- Winni, yoga teacher




"Alexandra's unique capacity to craft poetic, deeply intentional, and safe journeys,

into the landscapes of the body will gently lead you

to the wisdom residing in the deepest layers of yourself.


I am forever grateful for her guidance and for the way she has held my own process

with such grace, always making me feel safe, valued and seen."


-- Juliana, artist & guide




  • This training is non-refundable. Should you need to cancel, you may either apply the registration fee to other trainings or events organized solely by or transfer your spot to another participant.

  • In the event that cancels the training, you will receive a full refund.


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